Saturday 8 June 2013

UvaTalen starts evening courses in 10 languages in Amsterdam

Language school, UvaTalen, evening language courses, study languages in group, in AmsterdamThe Language school "UvaTalen" starts evening courses in 10 languages in Amsterdam at the beginning of April 2012.  A record number of different courses - in no less than ten different languages - start in the first week of April 2012.

In last 10 years group language courses of UvaTalen have proved a great success among people wanted to improve their language skills quickly. Each group course lasts  10 weeks, and the time is used to the full to achieve substantial results. Many students, attended the courses in recent years, have been suprised at how rapidly they were able to make remarkable improvements in mastering of a language.

If you are interested to follow group courses in Amsterdam please send an email to for information on the 2012 Programme. But don't wait too long: we're doing a roaring trade and places in our small classes are limited!

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